When the topic of emergencies is brought up, you instantly think of fires, natural disasters that happen suddenly or maybe a major health episode. What you don’t think of are the other seemingly insignificant things that could happen around the domes such as domestic accidents that could potentially become an emergency if not taken care of. E.g Choking on food may not seem like an emergency the instant it happens, but if not handled properly can become one. A bite or sting can become an emergency if not attended to properly. So with possibilities like this, it is important to be able to identify and prepare for not only obvious emergencies but potential ones.
In the managing and maintenance of your home structure, an emergency management protocol and contingency planning document has become a necessity. This is a document that carefully details and educates its reader on the rightful steps to take when an emergency or potential emergency happens. This is because, a natural reaction to emergency is either cluelessness (a freeze) or panic and frenzy. Either of these reactions will only lead to an escalation of the situation. But when a person is duly informed, trained and prepared for that emergency, they are empowered to take more informed decisions based on their assessment of the situation at hand.
For example, if there is a fire, what are the things meant to be saved and in what order of priority? How do you navigate the fire to minimize burns? What is the first point of call when the fire is noticed? All of these answers should be documented.
For other less obvious emergencies when a child is not seen around the house for a while, where are the first places to be checked to be sure the child is out of danger? Who is to be called? How long should you wait before raising an alarm?
The most compelling advantage of creating the emergency management protocol document for your home is that it can be handled and read by anyone who you want to give access to. So, when you bring a new domestic staff onboard, no important information would be left out during the on-boarding process. This document is not a rigid one. In creating it, recognize that it can evolve as the family dynamic changes and through phases. E.g. When you acquire more certificates, it should be added to important documents lists. When you change houses, the exit protocol may change, as you give birth to children, their allergies and relief should be documented.
Nobody prays for emergency situations, but it would be great to consider the possibility and then prepare appropriately for it. No detail should be left out. I introduced this document in my home since 2016 and there has been no turning back.
Tell me in the comments, do you have a similar document in your home? If you would need professional help creating one, send a message here or send an email to oreolu@maidformee.com, and I’ll work with you to fortify your home against the damning effects of mishandled emergencies.