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Prepare your domestic staff hires for the world of home management. This training covers the basics and foundation of domestic staffing, nicely separating what is true from what is not and leading fresh hires into the ethics of their new role. New hires will be taught how to manage expectations, leverage on their experience even when they think they have non, understand service and practice open mindedness among other valuable topics.


Our beginner domestic staff training provides the required soft landing, in form of knowledge that new and slightly experienced domestic staff need to execute their jobs efficiently, and thrive while at it. This training contains 12 lessons, covering both professional and personal development; which are both very pivotal to the success of your staff. Your domestic staff will learn about how to be an employee, learning fast, multitasking effectively, self resect and confidence, resolving conflict, etc. TIP - Purchase in your domestic staff's name so that the certificate can be earned in their name.


The Intermediate Domestic Staff Training is designed to equip and empower experienced domestic staff for the responsibility of home management. This training contains 12 lessons, covering both professional and personal development; which are both very pivotal to the success of your staff. Your domestic staff will learn about becoming trustworthy, responsibility, solving problems, respecting boundaries etc.


The focus while developing the curriculum for the class was to start to challenge mindsets and conditioning that may have been ingrained over a long period of time in your domestic staff and has stopped them from doing the right things even when it is obvious to the eyes. The focus is to help them see why this change is necessary for them, not just for you and the work you require them to do. The goal is that they can embrace positive change because it is the right thing to do, not because their employer thinks or says so.


Mastering Household Reporting isn't a training focused on only generating reports, we want to empower your domestic staff with skills that would transform them into professional care providers and elevate the value they bring in your home. This training promises to help them develop skills like observation and attention to detail and accuracy and consistency. You will observe as they learn habits that strengthen their integrity, grow their accountability and responsibility and improve their communication etc. They will be given the tools they need to Master Household Reporting.


In 4 weeks, domestic staff will be immersed into family life education, learning about the origin, purpose and influence of the family institution. Domestic staff will also understand fully the role they play in domestic life and the fundamental pillars within the family unit. Using the custom MAIDforME onboarding model, domestic staff will round up this training with a full understanding of how to efficiently work within a family unit.